Dog being evaluated after eating pet poisons

Do You Know What 9 Common Pet Poisons to Avoid?

Understanding the most common pet poisons is an integral part of being a conscientious dog owner. Keeping them away from your pet helps (and vice versa), and gives you enough time to know if your pet ingests a toxic substance.

Protect your pup from these 9 common pet poisons:


Chocolate is toxic for dogs. It contains theobromine and caffeine, which elevates their heart rate, affects their nervous system, and causes a serious medical emergency.


If you think your dog ate chocolate, call your vet immediately. Determine how much and which chocolate they ingested because it will impact the course of treatment.



Dark chocolate is a pet poison.

Knowing how much and what kind of chocolate your dog ingested helps the course of treatment.



Mouse and Rat Poisons

Mouse and rat baits are a pet poison found in many households. All rodenticides are toxic for dogs.Make sure you restrict your pup’s access to any rat poisons you’re using to rid your house of these rodents. If you can, always use humane mouse traps instead of toxic substances.


Over the Counter Human Medication

Never give your dog the chance to get their paws on any of your medication. Keep all of it in a high cupboard and don’t leave it lying around on the table or in a purse.


Ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol, antidepressants, and herbal supplements can all cause an upset stomach, vomiting, neural damage, and even death. Take extra care to keep them away from your dog. Certain human medications are pet poisons and should only be given to your pup if suggested by your vet.



Certain medications, herbs, and plants are pet poisons.

                                  Certain human medications are pet poisons.





Xylitol is a common sugar substitute for humans, but a dangerous pet poison. This sugar substitute is in items like chewing gum,breath mints, supplements, and toothpaste. It is highly toxic to dogs. Even a small amount causes low blood sugar, liver failure, and death.



Grapes and Raisins

Fresh and dried grapes are highly toxic to dogs. Experts aren’t sure what substance causes this extreme reaction. Eating a single grape can lead to sudden kidney failure. Don’t let your pup get near this common pet poison.




Fertilizers pose another threat to your dog. Always store them on a top shelf where they’re safe from curious noses. Most of these products contain nitrogen, phosphorus, or potassium.


Ingesting fertilizers causes abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. Safely storing fertilizers and keeping your pup off freshly treated grass prevents a medical emergency.



Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic contain a substance (N-propyl disulfide) that breaks down blood cells and leads to anemia. While these vegetables aren’t dangerous for people, they’re a pantry pet poison.


Onions and garlic also quickly lead to an upset stomach. Never feed your dog dishes containing either vegetable, even if it’s a home cooked sauce, because the smallest amount of this pet poison triggers a reaction.


If you suspect your dog ate a pet poison, it’s important to react as soon as possible. Call your vet immediately, identify exactly what your dog ate, and how much of it. Your vet may advise you to just keep monitoring the situation, but to be on the safe side, always check in with them first.



Chopped red onions being sliced on a white cutting board are a common pet poison.

                          Even a small amount of onions and garlic are toxic to dogs.




Toss some soft-baked CBD bacon or pumpkin treats to your pup! They’re loaded with fiber, omega fatty acids, vitamin A, and gentle on doggie tummies.


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This guest post was written by Julia who is a dog mom of two Chocolate Labs and the human mum of two girls. A cat of unidentified origin is also a part of the pack. As is of course her husband. She writes for Dogs Planet, sharing her passion for all things canine and Corgi.

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